林森傑,康涅狄格大學(美國)/廈門大學教授,美國科學促進會會士(AAAS Fellow),康涅狄格州科學院院士,美國湖沼與海洋學學會會士(ASLO Fellow),美國藻類學會選舉委員會主任。曆任“Journal of Phycology”、“Frontiers in Microbiology”等重要期刊副主編或編委。長期從事海洋浮遊生物的分子生态學和功能基因組學研究,目前的研究包括藻類營養生态學、有害藻生理生态和基因組、共生藻與宿主相互關系、基于CRISPR/Cas9技術的功能遺傳學研究、環境宏轉錄組研究等。國際上首次系統完整地分析了甲藻基因組的結構特性,描繪了珊瑚和蟲黃藻共生過程中相互作用的分子機制,為甲藻基因組學和珊瑚-蟲黃藻共生生态系統的深入研究奠定了堅實基礎,是國際上具有開拓性的海洋生态學領域知名學者。已在Science、Nature Communications、PNAS、ISME Journal等國際頂尖期刊發表論文200餘篇,谷歌學術h指數51,總被引頻次10,386次,多次入選海洋科學領域高被引學者。
Abstract: Arguably the most important research in the field of harmful algal blooms is to understand what drives the formation, maintenance, and demise of the blooms. HABs emerge from a high net population growth rate of the causative species, which is influenced by a complexity of physical, chemical, and biological factors or processes. Therefore, observational data and corresponding analytical tools are in general too limited to give a full account of which of these factors or processes are most critical to the dynamics of the HAB blooms. This gap can be nicely filled by modeling. This presentation will review the ecological models that have been developed, from conceptual to quantitative, and analyzing their strength and limitations. The emergence of a molecular ecological model (ENDS) will be introduced. Applications of the ENDS model to interrogate drivers of dinoflagellate bloom formation and demise will be presented and the prospect of its further development into a quantitative model will be discussed.